Today, on this Super Seed Sunday ( November 16th ) I stepped out on faith and sowed my seed because I needed God to do the supernatural for me, not knowing that he was going to do it with in a matter of hours.
I am currently in my Senior year of college and I had a balance of $610.00 that had to be paid for my current semester. On top of being a college student , I work full time and I also have a beautiful 5 yr old daughter. I knew that I did not have any funds to pay off this balance any time soon and when asked how was it going to be paid, all I could say was , " I don't know how HE is going to do it , but it will be paid."
As stated earlier, today was super seed Sunday at G.I.M. and I stepped out on faith , expecting the unexpected. This evening (not even 24 hrs ) , as I was beginning my homework, I checked my emails to see that I have been awarded additional grant money to satisfy my remaining balance for the fall!!!! BUT WAIT THERE IS MORE !!!! I also received a notice that not only will my balance be paid for the past semester but I will also be awarded grant funds to help pay for my next semester of school.
With tears in my eyes all I can say is GOD IS MY PROVIDER. Apostle Tweedy shared with the church that GOD has to put us in certain situations were no one can get us out but HIM and HE did just that. HE MADE A WAY OUT OF NO WAY!!!!
Cassie Jackson

I had an appointment yesterday and during the check out process the admin expressed her confusion with my chart. She asked do you have an HSA? I said no. She said well I can't figure why you have such a large credit. She told me the amount. I explained that I'd paid that the last time I was there because I was told I had to. She said well your insurance is covering that. I laughed and said oh can I have it back. She said oh I'm sending this to refunds and have them (watch this GIM members) put the CHECK IN THE MAIL. Turner and I walked out of the Dr's office saying THANK YOU JESUS. See when I paid that money in March I was not happy. I told my mom I thank God I had it but I've never had to pay that much. Well now I realize God knew exactly what he was doing. In my prayer time I also asked him to surprise me. The Check is in the mail!!!!! We haven't even started the 40 days yet!
Tori Clark
“Ever since Pastor Jason told GIM to pray, "Lord surprise me”... I pray that all the time. Well today (Friday, May 1st) I decided to check my bank account online and saw that I had a credit of $441.00 returned from Mercedes Benz dated January 31, 2014! Said I over-paid them!!!!! Not sure why it took 3 months for it to be returned to me, but God knows it came right on time! NOW AIN'T GOD GOOD!!!! Shouting Hallelujah with my hands lifted up!!!”
Loretta Shephard

“When I think on the goodness of Jesus and all he has done for me. My soul cries out "Hallelujah" GOD is in the blessing business right now. I came home and called to pay my electric bill. The recording said $1.45. I said either this is wrong or God has blessed us again. I sent my son to the mail box cause I knew the bill was in there. Opened it and it said $1.45. I don't know how cause we live In a four bed, two living, and two bath. But God is an awesome God. What a mother’s day gift.“
La'Tarsha Jackson

"God has changed me through the Word of God Preached at God Is Ministries. Apostle is straight forward and she teaches the Word and love. Through the Word, Prayer, and a desire for God, I learned to be obedient and God has been manifesting in my life and in my kids life."
LaToya Gray

"God is definitely present at G.I.M I am a person of faith and I believe that you have to ask God for what you want, so I wrote down a list of things I wanted God to do for me. Not even a week after writing my list down I received a prophecy by my Apostle Tweedy Thomas who told me I would be getting a home. This was the 1st thing I had listed. I knew it was God speaking through her because I had not told anyone that I created my list. She told me that I would be receiving a NEW home and income didn’t matter, so don’t go looking for an old home. A few days after that prophecy I pulled my credit score and it was above the limit needed to require getting a home. That’s the first blessing. Now I created myself a vision book of pictures to match my list so that I could be specific in what I wanted. Out of nowhere a lender I had never spoken to, but knew my realtor in which I had lost contact with over the years, called me and said he wanted to get me approved for a loan. He called me back and said I was approved for an FHA loan at $140,450.00…. I was excited because now my prophecy was coming to pass. BUT GOD WASN’T THROUGH YET!!!! The area I wanted to stay in had no homes that looked like the home in my vision book that were in my price range. So I started to settle. I started bidding on USED homes, and every single one out of maybe 10 I lost the bid. Now I was directed by something I saw on face book to a new home division that was having a close out sale. When I went to look at the homes none were what I wrote down in my vision book but it was the best I had seen in price range. The homes were wooden and only brick at the bottom. That was not what I envisioned. When pulling out of the new home subdivisions the lady over the sales office stopped in the middle of the street and said, I have 3 lots available for all brick homes, but only one is in your price range. She said the only thing is, the house starts at $186,000. But the home makers have already decided which home goes up, what color brick it has, and what goes on the inside. She also stated that everything was the basics in the home no upgrades and that one would be priced at almost $144,000. (My vision was 2 stories, 4 bed room home, corner lot, with and island kitchen, a garden tub without jets) She told me the home was a 2 story, 3 bedroom, no island kitchen, and on a middle lot with a regular shower tub combination in the master. When we got to the office, the home that was to be built, that the home makers chose, was a 4 bed room, 2 stories, island kitchen, separate shower and garden tub, on a corner lot. Not to mention the price of the home was set at $140,450.00…. HALLELUJAH!!!!!! Not only did God for feel his prophecy to me in providing me with a NEW home, he also gave me a new home the way I wanted, and PRICE DIDN’T MATTER!!!! AMEN!!!!!!!!!"
Curtiska Tiska Gibbs