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Women of Purpose (Women’s Ministry)


Founded on the concept of holy women uplifting women of all ages, color and background. Our goal is to empower women to go out and uplift other women through the word of God, in order that they may obtain deliverance and power during their time of transition. We take our stand on Matthew 18:18-20

Men of Standard (Men’s Ministry) 


Structured to encourage, enlighten, and give support to men. Men come together to fellowship and discover how to face the pressures of life in their family, on the job, and in the church from a man’s point of view. Come Discover the King inside of you!

Generation Next (Youth Ministry)
A power packed youth ministry for youth ages 5 to 18.  Every third Sunday is our Youth Sunday service where we dress down and celebrate Jesus!  At our Youth Sunday services we play games, dance, sing, perform skits, rap and much, much more! We also inspire our youth to live for God and to learn His ways through our teen bible study Held on Wednesday night.
Ministries in Training


Designed to guide you in your walk to discover the ministry in you. This ministry encourages, motivates, and inspires you to seek God for the calling on your life.  Believing there is a ministry in all of us.

Angels of Prayer


A dedicated group of believers that cover the church, community, and pastors in prayer.

Healing Hands Food Pantry


A blessing to many by making sure no one is left hungry. Groceries are delivered by appointment to single parent and transitional families.

God Is Ministries * P.O. Box 1576 * Desoto * TX * 75123    © 2018 God Is Ministries All rights reserved.
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